What does PG stand for? -
pg meaning Many people say “I'm PGing this kid” or lets do PG does anyone know what that stands for I only know it has to do with build fights but I
The definition of PG is parental guidance and is used as a film rating to show movies that might not be ok for a child under seventeen to see pgsoft pgslot โค้ดฟรี ล่าสุด What does PG mean? PG stands for Parental Guidance This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children
pg meaning Many people say “I'm PGing this kid” or lets do PG does anyone know what that stands for I only know it has to do with build fights but I
pg248 The definition of PG is parental guidance and is used as a film rating to show movies that might not be ok for a child under seventeen to see
What does PG mean? PG stands for Parental Guidance This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children